We have carefully selected some resources which will help you to improve your skills. These have all been tried and tested by OpenED Ltd. and our students.

This is a punctuation and grammar workbook aimed at adults, with examples and practice exercises so you can improve your skills.

Contains 30 visual and practical ways to organise your thoughts and stay motivated; in education, at work or for adulting.

Suitable for students at college or university, this handbook provides very accessible information planning and writing research projects, essays and dissertations. .

A practical guide to punctuation! This workbook includes explanations and exercises to practice, so you can improve accuracy of your work.

Aimed at Dyslexic students in further and higher education, this book uses graphics to explain structure and technique. Also great for report-writing in the workplace.

With lots of space and lined for writing, these are great for bookmarking important information, and writing your thoughts as you go. Use different colours to separate subjects.

Use different coloured pens to separate projects and plan the week. Has lots of space for doodling and adding extra notes too.
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