Welcome to OpenED Ltd.

Click on the options below to learn more about our services.


Do you have dyslexia or struggle to read and write? Find out more about our specialist support sessions.

Life and Work

Are you struggling with work, or even finding a job? We can help with employment strategies and support employers with accessibility.

Eggs with faces drawn on expressing emotions: sad, unsure, happy, shocked

Advocacy Support

OpenED Ltd can support you and your family with accessing education and other services

Hands playing with Lego scene

Brick Build Guild

A great fun way to develop social and communication skills for all ages based on the principles of Lego® Based Therapy.

Training and Consultancy

OpenED Ltd can support your college or business with Equality, Diversity and Inclusion matters.

Laptop showing online meeting next to a coffee cup

Professional Networks

OpenED Ltd is proud to run the Northwest ALS Managers Network.