OpenED Ltd can provide a qualified professional to formally assess students for Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments.
How is it carried out?
A combination of individual and group assessments are carried out, using established test batteries.
The Form 8 Part 2 is completed by the assessor and handed back to you with the completed tests for your records.
Pre-visit requirements
Sections 1 of the Form 8 must be provided to the assessor in advance of the assessments.
Clients are responsible for booking the students in for assessment, and providing a suitable environment for the testing to take place.
OpenED Ltd can provide the relevant and up to date tests. However, many providers may have their own suite of tests. OpenED Ltd can use these with prior discussion and agreement.
How much does it cost?
Bookings are made on a full or half day basis. Travel and test materials are also charged at cost. Contact us to discuss further.